Friday, October 21, 2011

A Christian Perspective on Death

For the Christian death is not last we will see of our believing loved one for we not only expect to see them in heaven upon our death but the hope of the Christian is the resurrection and glorification of our physical bodies.

According to the Bible all humans are born as sinners in rebellion against God. The resulting evil makes us unfit for heaven. If we die in this state God can not allow us into heaven since we would ruin it as we have the Earth and God’s respect for free will prevents God from forcing Himself on us so he has no choice but to allow the unredeemed sinners to a place with out God called hell. We can only go to heaven by accepting God’s gift of redemption and then he can change us so that we are fit for heaven. The reason for this is that when sinners rejects God’s gift of redemption they are saying that they don’t want to be with God and so at death God lets them go to a place with out him and that place it called hell. God’s gift of redemption was made possible by Jesus (God in the Flesh) dyeing on the cross so as to pay for our sin. If we accept God’s gift of redemption go to be with him at death. For the dyeing this is actually the most wonderful event we have ever experienced as we see the resurrected Jesus face to face and see our saved loved ones that died before us.

Death however is not the end of the body for when Jesus returns for his church the dead in Christ will be resurrected and those Christians living at the time will allow with them be taken up to meet the Lord in the air with these bodies taking on a glorified form will no long be subject to death.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Christian Perspective on Life.

Life from a Christian perspective is a serves to Jesus Christ in gratitude foe what He has done for us. This  includes not only things like helping others to find salvation through Jesus but it also means using the talents and abilities God as given us to reach people for Jesus. This can be something as dramatic and adventurous as going to some remote primitive village to something as mundane as working to be able to help support such missionaries. The key is in finding how God would have us use our talents for Him.

The Christian life also means living a life that is separated from those pleasures of the world that are not pleasing to God. This is not about fear of God striking us down out of anger but out of Love and wanting to keep a close relationship with Him.

To a faithful Christian this not drudgery by the greatest joy a Christian can have.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Independent Thinking

The importance of independent thinking can not be understated because it means thinking for your self. Independent thinking does not mean that you believe or think a certain way; in fact it means the exact opposite. The key to being an independent thinker is knowing the reason why you believe what you believe and not believing something just because some one in authority told you to believe it. It means checking out what you are told and rather than just absorbing it like a sponge.

Contrary to the claims of some being an independent thinker does not necessarily mean abandoning one’s faith. This is particularly true with Christianity which is based on an individual relationship with God. It may be a problem for some churches or denominations but not for the Christian faith itself.

Independent thinking is hard work since it requires checking out and thinking about what you hear. However the rewards are worth the effort since it is easier to defend a position that you have thought through and know why you think it’s correct as opposed to that’s what I was taught.

Freedom of thought is the freest right that exists since it transcends physical freedom and circumstances. It is the one right that even the most tyrannical of dictators can not take away by force but has to be surrendered voluntarily. You can be chained in the darkest of dungeons and still be totally free inside your own mind.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here is Proof of the Existence of Absolute Truth

The fact that Absolute Truth exists has come under attack by people trying to claim that all view points are equally true this claim is particularly made a bout religion in attack on the Christian doctrine that Jesus is the only way to God. However the fact is that Absolute Truth exists regardless of what it is can be easily proven on two basic points.

1. The claim that there is no Absolute Truth is self refuting since it is itself a absolute claim about truth and there it is self disproving.

2. There are many points of view that are polar opposites of each other such that both can not be true. As a result all positions on any topic can not be equally true unless they are all equally false.

As a result some possible view point on every must be the truth even if no one holds the true point of view so there for Absolute Truth must exist.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Get A free copy King James Version of the Bible

King James Translation of the Bible is by far the best English translation of God’s word in PDF format. Each book of the Bible is in a different PDF file.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Introducing the Bible

The Christian cannon of scripture is called the Bibles. The Bible’s Old Testament is also the cannon of Jewish scripture. The Bible is a collection of 66 books. The Old Testament consists of 39 books and the New Testament consists of 27 books. The Bible is most printed widely distributed book ever both on and off line and it has been translated into more languages than any other book.

 The Bible is more than a collection of religious writings. It is not a collection of myths nor a mixture of myth and history. The Bible is consists of history, law, poetry, prophecy, wisdom, doctrine and theology. No other ancient historical document is as well persevered as the Bible since it has been carefully copied from the originals and carefully translated into many languages. The Bible’s historical accounts are unusually honest for ancient historical accounts since it lacks the flattering distortions of leaders found in other cultures. The Bible openly depicts the failings of even the godliest of kings such as David.

The Bible is the most beloved loved book ever written being cherished by millions of Christians who read and live by the Bible. Ironically the Bible is the most heated book ever written since those who hate Christians also tend to hate the Bible. It contuses to exist despite numerous efforts to destroy it by burning it, banning it and attaching its legitimacy

The Bible is the Word of God written by God through human authors through divine inspiration of their vary words making it infallible. God’s preservation of his word explains why it is so well preserved.