Monday, February 5, 2024

Why are there so many people who have difficulty understanding the Holy Trinity?

 The reason is that ultimately God is beyond our understanding. Think about it for a second, if we made God up as atheists like to claim, we would tend to produce an image of God that would be consistent with our understanding. However, if God is real and has revealed himself to us as best as our understanding makes possible then there would be aspects of his nature that we would not be able to understand.

This is one area where the Trinity is a perfect example. There are things about it that we can understand for example that rather than being 1+1+1=3, it is actually 1 X 1 X 1 = 1. The simple fact is that there are just ways in which the very notion of the Trinity is beyond our comprehension. If God is real isn't that what we would expect? Would we not expect there to be aspects of His nature that we would not be capable of understanding?

In other words to God that we would be capable of 100% understanding probably would not really be God but just some figment of our imagination. The fact that we cannot fully comprehend the Trinity is actually strong evidence for both the existence of God and his trinitarian nature.

Things I Have Learned

King James Bible

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The Carlton Mystery: The mystery of the old clock 

Warrior Press

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see you on Blogspot, Chuck. This is a deep subject that many have tried to explain. I learned long ago that any attempt will be inadequate. I do like the mathematical approach though. Math is the closest thing to "pure science" that one can get.

    You used 1 x 1 x 1 in contrast to 1 + 1 + 1, which demonstrates an answer to tri-theism and modalism (in its extreme. Here are some other ways to describe the Unity.

    I see the trinity as 1^3 with no apparent multiplicity. We all know that 1/1 = 1 as well. God is indivisible, and has no "parts". Another thing I find interesting that any number, no matter how big, raised to the power of 0 is 1. God is basic, though unseen, so perhaps even 3^0 = 1 could illustrate the Trinity. One is in and of itself, and is a factor in every other number, be it prime or composite.

    Well, that's my thoughts. I'll check back to the post on Facebook.
