Saturday, March 31, 2012

Genesis 11:1-4

Genesis 11:1-4
This verse shows that everyone had descended from eight people and that they had stayed together makes it logical that their language would be the same. The land of Shinar was roughly part of modern-day Iraq and this reference shows familiarity with the area since dried or fire burnt bricks are the most practical building material in that part of the world. This is actually supported by DNA Evidence. (see reference)


Friday, March 30, 2012

Genesis 10:32

Genesis 10:32is a summery shows once again that all nations are descended from Noah and his family. The is supported by DNA data.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Genesis 10:21-31

Genesis 10:21-31 shows the decedents of Shem. Following Babel they settled mainly in the Middle East and Asia, this is known because these genealogies match up with the ancient names of various nations is in these areas.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Genesis 10:6-20

Genesis 10:6-20
These verses are the decedents of Ham. Following Babel they settled mainly in Africa, this is known because these genealogies match up with the ancient names of various nations in like Sheba which according to local tradition was in modern Ethiopia. These verse also mentions the Canaanites who are known to have settled in what is now Israel.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Genesis 10:2-5

Genesis 10:2-5
This is a link to an article on the decedents of Noah’s son Japheth mentioned in Genesis 10:2-5

Monday, March 26, 2012

Genesis 10:1

Genesis 10:1
This is a link to an article on beginning of the genealogies of Noah’s three sons mentioned in Genesis 10:1

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Genesis 9:28-29

In Genesis 9:28-29 Noah’s death as mentioned. After the flood Noah lived another 350 years for a total of 950 years of age.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Genesis 9:20-27

The first reference in the Bible to some one being drunk as mentioned in GenGenesis 9:20-27

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Genesis 9:18-19

Genesis 9:18-19
The above link is to an article on the statement that all living humans are descended from Noah and three his mentioned in Genesis 9:18-19. This has been verified by studies of human mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA both which show a clear three way split centered on the Middle East where Babel was.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Genesis 9:8-17

Genesis 9:8-17
This is link to an article on the sign of the rain bow of God’s promise not to Flood the Earth again  mentioned in Genesis 9:8-17. Here God makes a covenant; which is a special type of promise; with Noah and his descendants not to flood the Earth again and He designates the rain bow as a sing of that promise.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Genesis 9:4-7

Genesis 9:4-7
Verse four is a propitiation against consuming blood and it is a clear statement of a scientific principle of blood’s importance to life. This was clearly not believed by though that would bleed people trying to heal them. Verse six represents a clear declaration by God of the death penalty for murder.In verse seven one again God is telling Noah and his sons and their wives to have lot of kids to repopulate the Earth. God repeats this several times showing its importance.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Genesis 9:2-3

Genesis 9:2-3
In this verse God tells man he can eat meat at this point. This change in diet was probably a result of the change in environment following the Flood resulting in an all vegetarian diet not providing as much nutrition as before.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Genesis 9:1

God tells Noah and his family to have lots of kids and to repopulate the Earth in Genesis 9:1. Whith some proding from God the did so leading to the 7 billion people alive all over the world to day/

Friday, March 16, 2012

Genesis 8: 21-22

Genesis 8: 21-22
God not only accepted Noah’s offering but promised not to destroy all life again is such a manner. This is also proof the flood was global since there have been numerous local flood simce.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Genesis 8: 20

Noah builds altar unto the LORD in Genesis 8: 20 showing that one reason why seven of each kind of clean animal was needed on the ark was that Noah need them for sacrifices.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Genesis 8: 15-19

Genesis 8: 15-19
In this verse God himself told Noah and his family it was time leave the ark. He also told them and the animals to have lots and lots of kids. They did so.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Genesis 8:13-14

Genesis 8:13-14
This is an article on the ending of the Flood mentioned in Genesis 8: 13-14.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Genesis 8:8-12

Genesis 8:8-12
Noah also sent out a Dove which at first returned to him, then seven days layer he sent it out again and it returned with a freshly picked olive leaf in it beak, this indicates that plant life was starting to grow again. Noah then sent the dove out a week later and it did not return.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Genesis 8:6-7

Genesis 8:6-7
40 days after the Flood finished draining Noah sent out a raven and it kust flew around until the ground was dry enough for it to land. The never came back

Friday, March 9, 2012

Genesis 8:3-5

Genesis 8:3-5
Genesis 7:17 says the Flood water started going down after 150 days, and then drained for another 150 days, (Genesis 8:3) for a total of 300 days which would be 10 months. Furthermore verse 4 says the Ark land on the 17th day of the 7 months which would be five months after the Flood started. Verse 5 says the mountains were first seen on the on the 1st day of the 10th month or 253 days after the Flood started.

Note: verse 4 says that the Ark landed in “upon the mountains of Ararat” not on Mount Ararat. So not finding the Ark on Mount Ararat it self proves nothing.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Genesis 8:2

Genesis 8:2
The word stopped not only means to end but also to close. Verse 2 is indicates that the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were closed at this point. This consistent with the earlier suggestion the Earth atmosphere was the “windows of heaven” opened by water from the fountains of the deep ripping through it. Once eruption of subterranean water ended the whole collapsed back closing the “windows of heaven.” The shock wave from the closer may have been the wind mentioned in verse one. Not that this resulted in the rain ending. This would have occurred after forty days.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Genesis 8:1

Genesis 8:1
This verse does not imply that God forgot Noah and all that were in the Ark with him, but rather it shows that God did not for get them. This verse indicates that is at this point in that the water reached its peek and started to settle down since the Flood would have been a storm like no other before or since.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Genesis 7:19-24

Genesis 7:19-24
These verse make it clear this Flood was a global flood. It clearly that the heist mountains in world at that time were covered with water io a depth of 15 cubits. This means that this flood had to be a Global Flood since any Flood covering the highest mountains in the world would by definition be a global Flood. The fact that Noah’s Flood was global is further supported by the fact that all land animals died.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Genesis 7:13-18

Genesis 7:13-18
This is an article on the firmament mentioned in Genesis 7:13-18.
These verses indicate that Noah and his family entered the ark on the same day. One question often asked is whether or not the ark could be loaded with the needed animals in a day.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Genesis 7:1-3

Genesis 7:1-3 mentios the animals going in to the Ark 2 by 2. God told Noah to take different amounts of different kinds of animals.

Clean beasts – 7 of every kind: Includes cattle, sheep and other animals used for sacrifices. The reason for this is clear since more than two would be needed so sacrifices could be made with out killing off the kind. They
would also be used for food after the Flood.

Unclean beasts – 2 of every kind: This would include all kinds of land animals not included in the other categories. They would be used for neither sacrifices nor food.

Fowls – 7 of every kind: This would include all winged animals not just birds but flying insects, bats and pterodactyls. Now before you jump on the “see the Bible has errors” band wagon you need to realize that the use fowls here is a translation of the Hebrew word “owph” which includes more than just birds, so the Bible is not in error here.