Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How and Why God Deals with Sin

Once evil (sin) entered into God’s creation God had to deal with it. If He let evil run amuck it would ruin His creation. If he destroyed it in an act of raw power in would violate free will and be tyrannical. If he forcibly removed the evil from infected beings it would violate both free will and justice.

So God executed the plan that would stratify both free will and justice while not being tyrannical. The second person of the trinity (Jesus) would come to Earth as a man and die to pay the penalty for our sin such that all who accepted God’s gift of redemption could save from their sin and go to heaven to be with him.

Since God can allow any evil into heaven since it would be ruin heaven, God could remove the evil from the redeemed before they enter in to heaven because they had chosen to be with him and have it removed.

However those that rejected God’s offer of redemption were saying that they did not want to be with God and so God will one day give them what they want to be sent to a place with out God. This place called Hell is the worst place imaginable, with eternal burning. However it is not God’s fault if in giving those who reject salvation what the want if it is not what they expect.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Sin Entered God’s Creation.

As states in the previous post sin is essentially another term for evil. When God created both man and angels, God gave both us and them free will. God did want a bunch of robots that just behave them selves because they had no choice. He wanted being that would love, worship, and serve Him of our own free will.

Evil entered God’s creation when the chief angel called Lucifer decided that wanted to be God and Now called Satan he has been causing trouble ever since. Fist he recruited a third of the angels into his rebellion and the enlisted man kind.

When God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He basically gave them one rule. Don’t eat the fruit of one of the trees called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that violation that rule would bring death. At first glance this may seem rather severe but there are two points that need to be made.

1.      Adam and Eve had little opportunity to sin and by eating that fruit they were rebelling against God as much as they had opportunity to do.

2.      In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve knew good and so when they eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they were deliberately seeking evil.

Some time after God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and Lucifer rebelled Satan approached Eve using a snake. He successfully got her to eat the fruit of the trees called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then used her to get Adam to eat it.

This is how evil came into the world and once it was present God had to deal with it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What is Sin.

Sin is disobedience to God. This is not just a list of do’s and don’ts it is a heart attitude. That does not mean that there are not specific acts that are sinful, the Bible makes it clear that there are sinful acts but there are acts God has specifically told us not to do. Sin however is in essence of evil, and both the heart attitude and actions are evil. Even those sinful acts often considered small or not so bad are evil on a small scale but still evil.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Absolute Truth

One thing Christians clearly believe in is absolute truth that is because the bible is held to be the source of absolute truth. There are those that claim that there is no absolute truth. However the illogic such a statement is obvious since even if you don’t know what the absolute truth is it must by definition exist.
Furthermore, the statement “There is no absolute truth” is a self refuting statement, since it is itself an absolute statement. The point is that for it to have any chance of being true there has to be absolute truth, which makes the statement wrong.

So yes there definitely is absolute truth and than the Lord God, we can know what it is through the His written word the Bible.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is Prayer?

A common misunderstanding about prayer is too thing that it is about asking God for things. This false attitude has been a source of ridicule from scoffers and anguish among Christians. While true prayer does involve bring petitions before God that is only a small part of it. It is like say that cars exist to burn gasoline.

True payer is about communing with God not just asking him for stuff no matter how important that stuff may be. True payer involves praising and worshiping God and it is effective even when we make no request of any kind. It is about getting close to God in a personal way and having a relationship with him.

So next time you pray don’t ask God for a single thing, just praise and talk to Him like you would any Earth bound friend.

Friday, August 19, 2011

What is a Christian?

Being a Christian is not about following a set of rules or going to Church. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ.  

To be a real Christian one needs to accept Jesus Christ as you personal Savior. This is done by accepting Christ/s death on the cross as payment for our sin and repenting of tour sin in prayer. This can be done by any one at any place any time.

For more information click here.